023: Dr. Emily Morse — Masturbation, Porn, Lube, Monogamy with “Sex With Emily”

023: Dr. Emily Morse — Masturbation, Porn, Lube, Monogamy with “Sex With Emily”

023: Dr. Emily Morse — Masturbation, Porn, Lube, Monogamy with “Sex With Emily” 1920 1080 Suzanne Quast

Oh boy do I have an episode for you! Let’s face it, monogomy can be challenging, figuring out your fantasies and how to tell your partner can be scary, and learning how to please yourself first and foremost is the priority. On this epsiodes, we discuss sex, masturbation, porn and monogamy with Dr. Emily Morse “Sex With Emily”.

Now, let’s go have some amazing sex!




  • 1:05 Defining Moments in her career and sexuality
  • 3:00 Masterbation and toys
  • 5:10 Lube
  • 6:55 Porn
  • 9:40 if you are uncomfortable having your partner watch porn
  • 12:40 what if you or your partner are into something you are not
  • 16:22 why most women aren’t having amazing sex
  • 18:20 men vs women in monogamous relationships
  • 19:25 three sex tips for couples in long term relationships
  • 22:53 how many times a week do couples have sex
  • 23:23 open relationships and 3-somes
  • 26:30 oral sex tips for guy and girl