

Suzanne’s Story

In a land far far away, Kentucky, Suzanne grew up with a dream to be the first woman in the NBA, the female Michael Jordan. Her first love was sports and although she never played on a professional basketball court, she did play collegiate volleyball at Bentley College. Needless to say her passion for fitness, wellness and competitive spirit have been driving forces in her life. Check out her health and wellness blog, What’s In Your Workout.

After college she moved to Los Angeles where she embarked on a creative journey where she became an actress, working with actors ranging from Michael Cudlitz, Cuba Gooding JR, Melanie Griffith and C Thomas Howell. She has produced content with Woodhead Entertainment with over 10 million views online. She has co-hosted shows ranging from Damn Not Another Sportz Show to City of Angels and now hosts her own show, Defining Moments, now available on Apple TV, Evertalk TV, and YouTube.

Like all protagonists her journey was filled with some hardships and struggles. From having the mother who was addict, feeling the loss of a miscarriage to overcoming divorce and tragedy. Suzanne has learned the importance of empathy and compassion. Learning one of her greatest life lessons, life happens FOR you not TO you. This was her ah-ha moment. You see all her pain and heartache made sense when she realized the only way “out” is “through” and that all of it, the good, the bad and the ugly are here to teach us and help us grow and evolve.

She found truth and power in connecting to and learning from other people who have overcome their own hardships. Her voracious curiosity and deep desire to understand human beings and their lives brings her to where she is now. It is her mission to learn from inspiring people, create a community of those courageous enough to share their stories. She truly believes there is so magic when you fearlessly own your story.

Dig Deeper

Listen more to Suzanne’s story through her interview with her mentor, Nicola Salter.

My Mission

When we think of stories we think of a beginning, middle and end. We add characters, a place and certain situations along with dilemmas the characters need to deal with and we have a well rounded story. When stories are shared (aka Storytelling) they can educate, inspire and entertain because we recognize how others have failed, coped and succeeded.

By telling stories, we show a willingness to communicate – more importantly a willingness to connect. When we listen to stories, we allow ourselves to identify with other realities and recognize patterns. They help us make sense of the world because we find similar storylines, or arcs, in our own lives. This gives us validation, comfort and connectedness and it’s satisfying. This is what makes storytelling so powerful.

When we dig deep and identify the thoughts and feelings we have a perspective, the lens in which we see the world. This perspective leads to your narrative, the story you tell yourself. Only when we configure our own narrative, can we OWN it. Let’s collectively be mindful of the patterns, the story, and the actions we take- take ownership of it. This is the first step towards enlightenment.



This is a place where you get the inspiration to change, to take control of your life. Life happens for you not to you and if we believe this we can’t pick and choose when this pertains to our lives. The good and the bad are here to help us grow. I want us to embrace this philosophy. This is your life, your time and your legacy.

We create

with Users in mind

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01. Design & Development

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02. Digital solutions

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