012: Tehran Von Ghasri — Comedian Discusses Comedy, Race & Political Correctness

012: Tehran Von Ghasri — Comedian Discusses Comedy, Race & Political Correctness

012: Tehran Von Ghasri — Comedian Discusses Comedy, Race & Political Correctness 1920 1080 Suzanne Quast

Tehran discusses his experience being bi-racial and his journey into comedy. He talks about wanting to share his message of unity through his art. This is such an amazing conversation. We covered a lot of ground: he shares his views on racism, how comedy can help educate, enlighten and create more empathy for society, and how he has been able to rise to the top through his secrets to success.




  • Being bi racial: 2:08
  • Defining Moment he decided to become a comedian: 5:03
  • What is his message in comedy: 7:40
  • Censorship in comedy: 9:04
  • Political Correctness: 10:05
  • LA makes you racist: 11:35
  • Solution to racism: 12:35
  • 10,000 hours: 15:13
  • Preparation: 17:46